Wednesday, September 21, 2011

RichFaces 4 CDK | Input Component

With our last component, we saw how we could output some simple text with a custom JSF component created with the RichFaces CDK. Let's increment the complexity, and see how we can create a component that accepts input. Again, the goal here is to highlight how the important features fit together, and to leverage as much of the plumbing work as possible from the RichFaces CDK.

If you are interested in following along in your IDE, you can get the code below on github.

The Component Class

In a similar approach to our Hello World component, we'll start with the component class for our Input component:
package ca.bleathem.richfaces.input.component;

import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.*;

        type = "ca.bleathem.richfaces.input.Input",
        family = "ca.bleathem.input",
        renderer = @JsfRenderer(type = "ca.bleathem.input"),
        tag = @Tag(name="input"))
abstract public class AbstractInput extends javax.faces.component.UIInput {


This looks pretty similar to the component class for the Hello World component, with an appropriate changing or type, family, renderer and tag. One significant change to take note of is the base class for the component. Notice how we are extending the UIInput class. This allows us to leverage the value holding and state saving that has already been built into this component. No matter what kind of UI you want to build for your component, you will almost always want to store a single value (we'll discuss select many components in another post). So extending UIInput is generally a good idea.

The Renderer

The corresponding renderer template for our input component is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<cdk:root xmlns="" xmlns:cdk=""
    xmlns:c="" xmlns:cc=""


        <input type="text" name="#{clientId}" value="#{getInputValue(facesContext, component)}" />


Again, this looks pretty similar to the template for the Hello World component. The key difference being the Renderer superclass, and the html markup in the cc:implementation. By extending the RichFaces InputRendererBase class, we save ourselves from having to write the logic to decode and invoke the validators for our component. Again, this is something we will want to do for many of the components we write.

The html markup is also rather simple. By giving the input element the name of our component ID, we are indicating which form component should be decoded when the component is processed. When authoring a component with a complex UI, you will often make this input element a hidden input type, to store and submit your value while not interfering with your UI. We'll see more of this in later entries of this CDK series.

I'll also add that the file described in the Hello World entry is still required, if you don't already have one included in your jar.

And that's our input component - again done as simply as possible. The next entry will wrap an existing jQuery UI component, showing how the CDK is an effective means to leverage the work others have already put in to authoring complex javascript components.

RichFaces 4.1.0.M2 Release Announcement

The Richfaces 4.1 milestone releases are trucking along. With M1, we had a focus on changes surrounding project infrastructure, and the introduction of some new components. Now with M2 we see updates to the core, and a stabilization of both the new components and the framework as a whole.

jQuery Upgrade

We built the RichFaces 4 components using jQuery for DOM manipulation. Given the degree to which the we rely on jQuery, upgrading it is a "big deal". In order to ensure none of our components break during this milestone release, both our QE and Dev teams have been busy tending to our test infrastructure. The benefit of shipping with the latest jQuery is that it provides better compatibility to application developers wishing to leverage cutting edge jQuery plugins, or integrate with other component libraries.

IE9 support
As part of our extensive testing of our platform, we noticed a number of compatibility issues with Internet Explorer 9 running in strict or normal mode. We isolated this as an upstream issue, and will work with the Mojarra team to patch the underlying problem. In the mean-time, the issues can be worked-around if you run IE 9 in compatibility mode.

Stabilization of the new components
The new components introduced in M1 have benefited from further development, and constructive user feedback (thanks!).

The Editor has several new features, but the most valuable is the integration with the standard RichFaces styling scheme. Further details are available in Lukas’ blog post.

Notify Messages have been better integrated into the RichFaces ecosystem, allowing them to consume Client-Side Validation messages. The Notify Stack was also refactored - this is where one configures the location and orientation of messages.

The Pick List has picked up ordering capabilities in the target list, making it now a viable replacement for the older listShuttle from RichFaces 3. In addition, the Pick and Ordering Lists have exposed more events, allowing for applications to better hook into their behavior.

A fair chunk of time during the M2 sprint was spent by the team in a face-2-face meeting, where our world-wide development team came together to discuss the future of the project. Stay tuned for updates along these lines, as we distill our ideas and engage the community for feedback to collectively define our project vision and future.

Forward: M3 and mobile
As always, we've taken care of a number of bug fixes with the M2 milestone release. However, the upcoming M3 release is when we will buckle down and focus on taking care of stabilizing the platform as a whole, and fixing as many bugs as we can, particularly in the mobile space. To help us better identify where we would best be spending out attention, please get on Jira, and vote for the issues that are important to you.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

RichFaces 4 CDK | Hello World

This is the first technical post of my CDK series. Starting real simple, we'll create a component that produces a hello world output. "Why start with a hello world? Isn't that a little cliche?". Well indeed it is, but it is by far the best way to point out the fundamental pieces of the CDK, and how they together. We'll build a strong foundation in our understanding of the CDK, on which we can build more interesting components in future posts.

If you are interested in following along in your IDE, you can get the code below on github.

The Component Class
To start, we need a component class. The component class itself will be generated by theRichFaces CDK. However we do define a base class from which the generated class will extend. We'll see why this is the case when we get to more complex components. But for now, let's start with this base class:
package ca.bleathem.richfaces.hello.component;

import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.*;

        type = "ca.bleathem.richfaces.hello.Hello", 
        family = "ca.bleathem.text", 
        renderer = @JsfRenderer(type = "ca.bleathem.hello"), 
        tag = @Tag(name="hello"))
abstract public class AbstractHello extends javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase {


Here we have an abstract class annotated with @JsfComponent. This annotation marks the class as a CDK class, and will be consumed by the CDK pre-processor. The CDK uses the attributes of the annotation to construct the necessary classes, and the necessary xml configuration. Creating JSF components is verbose, but we don't have to worry about the verbosity - the CDK takes care of it for us!

Let's look more closely at the @JsfComponent annotation, and the meaning of each of it's attributes. I'll start by pointing out that the annotation supports many more attributes, but we are only covering here the bare minimum required to get a simple hello world component created.

the value of the type attribute is how JSF identifies out component. It will be used in the generated faces-config file, and in the generated xml taglib file.
the value of the family attribute is used by JSF to recognize "like" components. We'll get into details of this in future posts. This attribute is in fact optional, and the value can be generated by naming conventions. However, I prefer to specify it explicitly.
the value of the renderer attribute is used to match our component to an appropriate renderer. We'll create the renderer next!
the value of the tag attribute will be the actual facelet tag that we use in our facelet files.

The last aspect of out component class that I want to point out is the "extends UIComponentBase" part. Every JSF UI component must extend this class, or one of it's descendants. We'll be able to save ourselves alot of work when we get to more complex components, by judiciously choosing the right class to extend.

The Renderer

Next, let's look at the JSF Renderer:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<cdk:root xmlns="" xmlns:cdk=""
    xmlns:c="" xmlns:cc=""


        Hello World! (from a RichFaces CDK component)


If you are familiar with JSF Component development, you may be surprised to see that our Renderer is not a java class. On the other hand, you may find that it looks quite similar to a JSF 2 composite component. It has a "<cc:interface>" section, and "<cc:implementation>" section, both of which are analogous to the facelet file of a composite component. In fact, you can prototype your components as composite components, then migrate to CDK components when you find you need the extra flexibility the CDK provides.

As we did for the component class, let's dissect the cdk tags found in our renderer template.
this is the name of the JSF Renderer class that will generated.
the class that will be extended by our generated JSF Renderer class. Here we are explicitly stating the default for reference when we get into more complex components.
this is how JSF identifies our Renderer. It will be used in the generated faces-config file, and in the generated xml taglib file.

And there we have it, a JSF Component, and it's associated Renderer! -- err almost. There is one final piece missing. We need to specify a name space for our component - the namespace that will be used on facelet pages that refer to our components. Fortunately, the CDK also makes this easy for us. All we need is a in the java package of our component:

package ca.bleathem.richfaces.hello.component;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.TagLibrary;

Here you can see the @TagLibrary annotation that specifies the namespace of our component.

Now we can build a jar, include it in our application, and use our hello world component! Go ahead and run the build. If you are curious, take a look in the target/generated-sources folder. There you'll see all the JSF classes and xml files that the CDK generated for us. Those are all classes and xml files we would have had to write ourselves if we weren't using the CDK.

Well, a hello world JSF component - not really useful... but there is more coming! The next entry in this series will use the CDK to create an input component, and from there we'll get into some more sophisticated components!

In closing, I want to add that the CDK is incredibly flexible, and there all multiple ways the above component could have been put together. I'm sticking to what I think is simplest, most clear, and most extensible.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Seam Faces Community Hack Night

Seam Faces Community Hack Night!

This week's Seam 3 Community hack night is centered around Seam Faces.  This is a great chance to mingle with some CDI/JSF developers on IRC, and get your fingerprint into the Seam Faces DNA!  Whether you have your own itch you want to scratch, a long-standing bug you want to see resolved, or implement a new feature altogether, we've got plenty of low hanging fruit ripe for the picking!

In preparation for the hack-a-thon, I've given the Seam Faces JIRA issues a once-over.  I've collected a number of issues that I feel are ready to be resolved into a JIRA version calles 3.1.0-Tracking.  I'd like to highlight a few of the issues here, and perhaps motivate you to come join us at the hack-a-thon to resolve some of them!

SEAMFACES-122: Type safe navigation!
Of all the low-hanging fruit, this one has to be the juiciest!  Implement a Navigator utility class to map the @ViewConfig enums to their String @ViewPattern's for use in JSF navigation.  Imagine using your IDE to find all usages of one of your views - type safety FTW!

SEAMFACES-26: Implement global protection against XSRF attacks
Help the community of Seam 3 developers make their apps more secure by implementing a scheme to protect against XSRF attacks!  Think hidden form field, view state and a random number generator.

SEAMFACES-28: ObjectConverter and EntityConverter
Let's resurrect the Entity Converter from Seam 2.  The EntityConverter is persistent context aware, and will use the primary key of your JPA/Hibernate entities to handle JSF Conversion.

SEAMFACES-150: Refactor BeanManagerUtils to make use of Solder's BeanManagerLocator
Are you aware with the Seam Solder API?  Want to learn more about how to wield this powerful tool?  Here's a refactoring that will surely get you more comfortable with how to use Solder.

SEAMFACES-6: s:debug
This issue is very well documented in JIRA, and just needs someone to put the pieces together.  What a great tool to add to your arsenal once complete!

SEAMFACES-185: Add support for activating beans based on the JSF project stage
Christian Kaltepoth has done a great job with this issue, but we've got a tough nut to crack.  How to parse the web.xml before the Servlet Context is available?  If you got some ideas here, help us bring this one across the finish line.

SEAMFACES-184: Extend an example to demonstrate events propagation features
Familiar with Seam Faces, but don't feel up to hacking on the core?  How about writing an example application, to demonstrate some of Seam Faces' cool features?

SEAMFACES-152: Create documentation for using Seam Catch in Faces
Another great way to contribute to the project, without writing a single line of code is to contribute docs!  Help other Seam 3 devs figure out what you already know!

These are just a few of the issues ready to be solved during the hack night.  So drop by on IRC, and give us a hand squashing some issues.  At the very least, I'm sure you'll have fun!