To try out this release, you can download the distribution directly, or for maven users, increment the RichFaces version in your pom.xml to 4.2.1.Final. For more information on setting up a RichFaces 4 application, refer to our getting started guide.
What’s in 4.2.1.Final?
One noteworthy issue to take note of:
- [RF-11940] - Our ajax push component (a4j:push) was not receiving pushes from the server on Android devices. We identified a bug in the Atmosphere framework which powers our push technology, a bug which we fixed and pushed back upstream (OSS for the win!).
Be sure to check out the 4.2.1.CR1 release blog for a more complete picture of what we addressed with this micro release.
New with this release, we are once again deploying the showcase on new infrastructure. The OpenShift Express service has been unified with OpenShift Flex to deliver a single service now simply referred to as OpenShift (see this FAQ entry). The end result for us is a simplified deployment and management console, and an easier ability to host multiple applications.
Moving Forward
We’re currently focused on improving the JSF testing and RichFaces mobile stories. However we’ll shortly begin our 4.3.0.M1 sprint which will focus on MyFaces compatibility issues. Concurrent to all this, we will working in the RichFaces Sandbox to deliver our next-generation component set. Should any of the above initiatives appeal to you, feel free to get involved and help move the project forward!